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Yes, yes I am in fact alive!  If I’ve learned one thing in the past couple months it’s that blogging is not one of my strengths.  I cannot count the amount of times I deleted blogs I didn’t think were good enough or elaborate enough.  Then I realized they didn’t have to be good or elaborate so I decided just to update everyone on what God has been doing in me and in Cambodia in the past few months.  

To start in the very beginning, training camp in Georgia was both amazing and challenging.  I was pushed in so many ways both physically and mentally, but each time God taught me something new out of my discomfort.  I slept in a tent for a month straight with the best roommate ever (Lydia Grace is the only thing that makes me miss sleeping on my deflating sleeping pad with tree roots sticking up my back). Although so much new information was overwhelming, the sessions in the training center taught me so much more about who God is and convicted and challenged me in many ways.  Our squad bonded so much during this time and learned to depend on each other and God as we prepared to leave the country.  

After a month of training camp, we had a couple weeks of ministry in Black Mountain, North Carolina to prepare our hearts for overseas ministry and to serve the community there, and then we were ready to travel to Cambodia.  Getting to our final destination took 5 long travel days that consisted of a 10 hour layover in San Fransisco that we spent wandering around the city, a 14 hour flight to Taiwan, and a couple days in the city of Phnom Penh.  When we finally made it to the Adventures in Missions base in Siem Reap, we were blessed by a kind welcome from our ministry hosts and beautiful new place we get to call home for the next couple months.  

        Siem Reap is already forming a special place in my heart with its kind people and vibrant land.  Although many of the Khmer people wear beautiful smiles, it is evident that there is a spiritual darkness that is heavy in many areas here. The Cambodian (or Khmer) people are comprised of 95% that are Buddhist, 3% of the population that are Muslim, and about 2 percent that is Christian or any other religions.  Needless to say, these people are desperate for Jesus even if they don’t see it. One thing about being here that is challenging for me is seeing so many people that are content in their unsatisfied lives.  So many people go about their day to day content to live without the joy and love of Christ.  Although it makes me so sad, it makes me strive more and more to show this love and joy to them through a kind word or a smile. 

Our ministry in Siem Reap consisted of village ministry and tourist evangelism. In the village, we were able to go see some kids and do an English lesson with them.  We were able to watch and listen as these kids learn more and more about the English language and about the Bible through stories and our skit of Adam and Eve.  We were also able to walk through the villages and visit and talk to some of the families.  We watched as their blood pressure was taken and they were given medicine and shown care by our kind ministry hosts.  My favorite part about the villages was when we were able to visit the few Christian families.  It was evident the difference about them and the joy that they carried.  It was so filling and encouraging to see the smiles and the passion on their faces as they talked about Jesus and wanted to learn more about who he is. 

Tourist ministry varied from day to day.  Some days it can look like praying for people along the riverside, and some days it can look like talking to someone outside an ice cream place.  One of our tourist days we spent worshiping on the riverside. Tourist ministry is very Spirit led which is both challenging and fruitful.  I’ve been learning more and more how to walk in step with the Spirit and be sensitive to what he is trying to do in me.  

On November 14th, my team of 7 said a sad goodbye to the rest of our squad and departed Siem Reap for our month long ministry in Kampong Thom, Cambodia. This is where I am currently.  Here, my team and I are working as staff at The Good Seed School, a school that teaches English to K1 – 5th graders.  Even though I would’ve told you before that I could NEVER be a teacher, this place and ministry has assumed a very special place in my heart.  It gives me so much joy to play and talk with these kids.  I cannot even express how much I already love these students. I will hopefully be able to write a more in detail blog about Good Seed School soon!  


Prayer requests:

Pray that God would create opportunities to share the good news with these kids and leave them with the hope of the gospel. 

Pray that the hearts of the staff would be softened so that they can also posses the hope of the gospel if they don’t already. 

Pray for continued energy and strength for my team so that we can be a vibrant light for these kids and staff each day.


I’m so excited and expectant for what will come from this ministry and I cant wait to share what God is going to do in this month of ministry here in Kampong Tomh.  Thank you so much to those who have supported me both financially, verbally, and through prayer… it is greatly appreciated and I wouldn’t be here without you. Praise God that this month is a month of joy, laughter, and sweet moments I won’t forget.  


With so much love, 



11 responses to “Update from Cambodia!”

  1. Ella, we are praying with you for the people of Cambodia that God has put in your life. We pray that your team and your squad continue to be faithful to His call and that you will see Him working through you!

  2. wow wow wow!! such a good update and recap of the past three months! getting to do life with you is the BEST and I’m so encouraged by how you love and serve others everyday!!!

  3. Ella,
    Thank you so much for the update! We’ve been praying for you, and now will pray more specifically for your work in Kampong Tomh. Keep pressing in!

  4. Ella, I so enjoyed reading about your experiences so far. We are praying for you and are excited to see how God works in and through you!

  5. Ella, it’s a joy to read your update and hear how God is working in and through you. We pray for you regularly and look forward to hearing more!

  6. you guys are very amazing and lovely we must be really sad when you guys go somewhere else, really want to keep in touch with all of you ????